Linear Displacement Transducers |
952 BlueOx LDT
BlueOX LDT - The Series 952 BlueOx is designed for applications where high accuracy, high speed, and survival are important. It is lab tested
and field proven to stand up to high shock and vibration. With test results of 2,000 G's of shock and 30 G's of random vibration without false
signals or mechanical damage, the BlueOx is ready to perform on the most demanding applications. The BlueOX has standard outputs and connectors
that can easily replace competitive brand transducers. It is available in stroke lengths up to 168".
Input Voltage - Analog: 13.5 to 30 VDC Digital: 13.5 to 26.4 VDC, or +/- 15 VDC
Current Draw - < 200mA at 15 VDC
Output - Analog: 0 to 10 VDC or 10 to 0 VDC, 4 to 20mA or 20 to 4mA Digital: Start/Stop, Control Pulse or Pulse-Width Modulated/Variable Pulse (PWM/VP)
Resolution Internal Analog Output - 0.001" 16 Bit (1 part in 65,535)
Linearity +/-0.05% of Full Scale
Repeatability +/-0.006% of Full Scale(+/- .002 inch min.)
Hysteresis +/-.02% of Full Scale
Operating Temperature, Head Electronics -40o to 158o F (-40o to 70o C)
Operating Temperature, Guide Tube -40o to 221o F (-40o to 105o C
Operating Pressure - 5000 psi Operational, 10,000 psi Spike
Span Length - 2" to 168"
Null Zone - 2"
Dead Band - 2.5"
Connectors - 2mm Micro 5 Pin, CE Approved (Analog Only),10 Pin 1/4 Turn MS Connector, Potted Pigtail Assembly, Optional Temposonics II & III Connectors
Update Time Analog - 1ms (Stroke Lengths 1" to 50"), 2ms (Stroke Lengths 51" to 100"), 3ms (Stroke Lengths 101" to 150"), 4ms (Stroke Lengths 151" to 168")
Digital - Controller Dependent
Enclosure - IP67
Approvals - CE (Analog 12mm Micro 5 Pin Connector Only)
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Specifications are based on a typical 36" LDT.
Gemco Ordering Guide
952 BlueOx Installation Manual
Magnets, Cables and Connector Styles
